Welcome to Summer 2007
Just checking I could remember the password. Check the main Bio1B site for useful information about the class. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions I've been getting (or 'FAQ' as the cool kids say), one for any Berkeley newcomers and one that I got a lot last year.
Q. Can I use Campbell 6th edition?
A. Yes. If you have to buy a book, and especially if you have yet to take other Biology classes (eg Bio1A), then I'd recommend getting the 7th edition even if it costs a bit more. But if you already have the 6th then you don't need to buy the 7th just for this class.
Q. Is there a lab. manual to buy?
A. No. There used to be but all the lab exercises are online now.
Q. When is the final?
A. There is no cumulative final in summer. We have three, slightly longer midterms than in the regular semester. These are held in regular class time on Thursday July 12, Tuesday July 31 and Thursday August 16.
Q. Will there be labs. in the first week?
A. Yes. In fact there are labs and discussion sections on the first day and some of them may take place before the first Lecture. So check the schedule and make sure you don't miss your first lab or discussion section.
Q. Why does the class always start late?
A. Classes at Berkeley start at ten minutes after the hour and end on the hour. We will start promptly each day so please be ready to start at 12.10.
Q. Do I need to have an account to comment on posts here?
A. No, it just looks like you do. When you hit the 'Comment' link at the end of any post a pop-up window should appear. After the space for you to enter your comment is a set of three buttons. You can pick any one of these three (Blogger, Other, or Anonymous). Because the first one seems to be the default it has spaces for your username and password. But if you pick either of the others these disappear. Choosing 'Other' allows you to enter your name, or alias, and choosing 'Anonymous' requires neither.
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