Encyclopedia of the Environment

If you have read this blog much you'll know I'm a big fan of Wikipedia. One of the reasons I like it is that it has, largely, emerged organically from the passion of dedicated enthusiasts. It is not being driven by a huge corporation. However as criticisms of Wikipedia grow it isn't clear what will triumph in the long run. Will Wikipedia emerge as a giant in the Google mold, or will it be replaced by more specialized encyclopedias? Numerous contenders are already emerging from the amusing Conservapedia (which always reminds me of Stephen Colbert's quote at the White House Correspondent's Dinner that 'reality has a well known liberal bias') to the more specialized 'Encyclopedia of the Environment' which addresses the issue that Wikipedia is not peer reviewed by having all their articles peer reviewed. Lots of interesting stuff there from classic ecological and environmental papers such as Garret Hardin's Tragedy of the Common's paper to great speeches by Jimmy Carter and Mother Jones, and lots of articles on ecological topics.
Whilst we are on the subject don't forget to check out our very own Wiki1B.
This time last year (another of my favorite posts): Honey Guides, Killer Bees and Land Mines.
Labels: Environmental Issues
Yahoo Answers is also a great platform for sharing information. It too is built on the enthusiasm of its users. You pose questions and people provide answers to them. In return, you answer questions from other people. It is especially useful if you have a very specific question that might otherwise take a significant amount of research to find the answer. For example, I wanted to find out how to override a feature on security software I was trying to install. With no experience in computer programming and not particularly motivated to spend hours researching the question, I posed it on Yahoo Answers. Surely enough, I received an answer the next day that solved my problem.
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