Sunday, July 15, 2007

Evolution Blogs

For the last evolution post I'd like to recommend a couple of evolution related blogs you may enjoy if you wish to explore some of the topics we touched on, and many we didn't, further.

PZ Meyers Pharyngula blog is self-described as 'Evolution, development and random biological ejaculations from a godless liberal'. That seems to describe it fairly well. PZ Myers is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota (and the pharyngula period is a stage in the embryonic development of vertebrates).

Speaking of the godless, and I mean that quite genuinely, Richard Dawkins has two websites/blogs that are well worth checking out. The official Richard Dawkins website self-described as 'A Clear-Thinking Oasis' and the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (another Clear-Thinking Oasis'). Richard Dawkins holds the Charles Simonyi Chair for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. He came to prominence through his 'Selfish Gene' book in 1976, a book that all Biology undergraduates at my University were recommended to read a decade after its publication - a recommendation I am happy to pass on thirty years after its publication. Lately Richard Dawkins has been rather prominently involved in the debate between creationism and evolution and is often described, usually by others, as an 'outspoken atheist'. His latest book, 'The God Delusion', combines his work on evolutionary biology and his passionate atheism to ask why, if there is no god, a belief in one so widespread and prominent as to be almost universal? In the hands of an evolutionary biologist this turns out to be quite an interesting question.

Onward to Ecology.....

This time last year: What, if anything is a Preble's Jumping Mouse?



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