Midterm 1 Results - 2007

However some of you may be interested in this, especially when you have your own grade.
Overall there were 259 students, the mean was 80% and the median was 84%. This difference is typical for skewed distributions and is why the median is a better descriptor. If you got 84% (the median) then half the class scored more than you and half the class scored less.
Overall 37% of the class scored in the A range (>90%), 25% in the B range (>80%), 18% in the C range and 10% each in the D and F range.
These results are similar to previous years (see link below for last years results) with one small exception - a much higher number of students than usual got a perfect score. This year an impressive 12 students got 100% on this midterm. Well done.
As usual I have looked at the answer distribution for all the questions to check for problems.
Lowest % correct was 57% for Q27 (polydactyly in cats - despite the word DOMINANT being in bold capitals, a significant number of people provided the allele frequency that would have been correct if it was a recessive trait) and 50% for Q 37 (the calculation on the seed discarding plant breeder that was meant to be a fairly difficult question).
Highest % correct was 98% (one question).
I have looked closely at all the questions where either less than two thirds of you got the correct answer (6 questions) or more than 20% of you picked a particular incorrect answer (4 questions) and don't see any problems.
Section means were similar and no section was more than 4% away from the overall mean of 80%.
This time last year: Midterm 1 Results and Web Sight
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